Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ginger is an amazing wide spectrum tonic and remedy

(NaturalNews) Ginger root is more than a zesty culinary spice. It's both a general tonic and specific medicinal herb. Ginger is actually the rhizome or horizontal "creeping root" of the Zingiber officinale plant, which belongs to the same family as turmeric and cardamom. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine has used ginger for centuries. Now mainstream medicine uses various ginger extracts for major health problems.

Ginger Benefits

Ginger has been used effectively for gastrointestinal problems as major as colitis and as minor as motion sickness. It stimulates good digestion. It helps alleviate congestion and minimizes mucous, even helping asthmatics. Various ginger extracts have been shown to improve cardiovascular health and circulation.

Ginger kills off 5-LO enzymes, without which prostate cancer cells die within hours. A component of ginger has demonstrated the ability to slow or stop several types of cancer mestastasis (spreading cancer cells). Some oncologists use ginger extracts as adjuncts to their toxic therapies, enabling them to shorten the length of their patients' suffering from chemo or radiation. Read more...

AyurGold for Healthy Blood

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