Friday, June 10, 2011

Apples Help Keep Muscles Strong, Mouse Study Finds

(HealthDay News) -- A natural compound found in apples may help prevent muscle wasting that can result from aging and illness, according to the results of a study in mice.

The benefit appears to come from a compound in apple skin called ursolic acid, according to Dr. Christopher Adams, of the University of Iowa in Iowa City, and colleagues.

Adams and colleagues first identified 63 genes that change in response to fasting in both people and mice, and another 29 that change their expression in the muscles of both people who are fasting and those with spinal cord injuries. They then looked at 1,300 small molecules and zeroed in on ursolic acid as a compound that might counteract muscle atrophy.

In the next phase, the researchers found that ursolic acid could protect against muscle wasting in mice that were deprived of food. They also found that adding ursolic acid to the food of normal mice for a number of weeks prompted muscle growth. Read more...

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